Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love Truly Someone With No Drama!

Love, if we define in words, it’s a feeling of heart and if we study it psychologically it has many recognizable signs to diagnose. Gazing at beloved unblinkingly, listening with deep attention to his each and every word, endeavoring to sit as near to him as possible, drinking the remainder of what he has left in the cup are some signs of falling-love for many people. But is it true for all lovers? In this world many love-married couple spends together many years with no signs of romance in their expressions. People think if couple never seems in love, they do not love each other anymore. Their love has lost its charm by times.

There are a lot of examples of married couple who have a perfect balance of work and family life. We usually see them as a couple with kids and not two people who had been in love for many years. We couldn’t see them as individuals with loving hearts whom could fall in love and had dreams. So what if they are not seemed like the lovey-dovey types. Why we all want proof of romance in their feelings to confirm love. Going for work together, returning home together, cooking together and sipping early morning’s tea together aren’t not the signs of their internal love to each other?

Love is not so easy thing. One has to do a lot of sacrifices to get what one wants. Having your beloved as your life partner, a good job, sweet children and becoming perfect parents are not enough for this one life?  What else does one want? Love has no drama. Showing many signs, expressions, feelings are just the upper layer of the cake, which looks good but to know the exact taste, you have to eat it.

Some couple feel satisfy by having perfect life partner and family. They are happy with their life. In this world, everyone wants to see a love-couple going out and enjoying an extravagant social life, but a middle class parent believe in saving money for their children’s future and love to watch them grow. They are sharing something unique, and that is love, without any drama. Love is love; it’s not the thing of exhibition and not made for selling. Keep love in your heart and live a wonderful life.

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