Monday, May 30, 2011

We Come Alone and definitely We will Go Alone

While reading this title, you might be thinking that I must be a recluse person who became detached from the world or retired from worldly attachments. Well if you are thinking so than you are absolutely wrong. Not only I am but you all also know about this universal truth. Its nature’s law that who take birth on this earth, comes alone and when he will go back to the universe, will go alone.
 The world, all the articles, all the beings and our body all are perishable. One day these all things go for an end. That’s the fate of all of us. But if it is the fate of everyone, why we are here? Why do we Take birth? Why do we Take rebirth? Why do we Make families, relations, jobs and many other human activities?

The whole truth of life is contained in the immortal words of the Gita. “Our duty is only action” perhaps if one descends this truth deep into one’s mind and soul and acts upon it, one will be able to realize the aim for which one come upon this earth. This life of ours is full of so many trials, surprises and sorrows.

Life is a ceaseless struggle not only for us but for everyone. May be sometimes you can not face your pain and start to try to detach yourself from the reality of this life. May be you are not happy with your present time and want to run away from this. But is it the right solution of your problem? Are you the only who are facing all this troubles of life?

Try to accept your responsibilities to this beautiful world. Enrich your life with true relations. We should stop thinking about the future. The events of life are unpredictable. We do not know what is going to take place the next moment. The human life is nothing but just a stage where all our activities constitute a part of the high drama whose producer and director is the Destiny. We should try to make our life fruitful and meaningful. And remember the thing that we are not alone here, our god is within ourselves.

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