Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life is not always a fairytale, face the reality

Fairytale continue to fascinate all whether child or adult. Thinking about wonderful things that we wish to have, always gives us nice feeling. Facing reality is not easy thing but necessary to live a better life.
Wake you up from this unnecessary day dreaming, as it is important to focus on your real life. Although making future plans what you want to do or what you want to be is good but you have to keep in mind that focus is vital.
Keep your fantasies to a minimum. Though it is pleasure to dream up wonderful things like imaginations with your favorite film star or things you wish to get, it is crucial to keep your day dreaming to a strict minimum. Don’t let your fantasies regulate your life and keep you away from real things.
Give importance what you have. Thinking all the time about the things we want, is tolerable at times, but sometimes, it can give us disappointment and displease since we do not have those stuff in real. Imagining about doing good jobs, higher marks in school can sometimes give positive motivation to do your desired works but sometimes it can make you upset. Thinking all the time about those things you don’t have can make you feel badly. Realize the plain things in life and their worth. Always remember this to feel positive.
Accept you as you are. If you want to change something in you then instead of thinking take action to make your life better. Day dreaming won't change anything. Face the reality and take step to make it better. Although shifting certain things in your life may be not easy, it is better to try to solve them than dreaming it in your thoughts.
End thinking about unrealistic fantasies all the time, it’s not a good thing to do. Many of us easily get extremely obsessed with what we read or watch in films, TV or books. TV and movie world is not a real world. It can’t solve our life problems.
Make new friends, talk to them, share your views and make yourself socially active. Those people who are not socially active often have much time to think unrealistic things. So avoid being alone all the time, make friends and increase your contacts.

If you feel you can’t stop thinking so much and your day dreaming is taking a severe dangerous step such as murder suicide etc. then visit a physiologist as soon as possible. It can be a serious mental problem. Live happy and enjoy every moment of life.